Anna Gangsaas
Anna has worked on staff for 11 summers and this will be her second year as Camp Director. Her previous positions at camp have been Nature Instructor, Aquatics Instructor, Handicraft Director, First Aid/Clerk, Nature Director, Business Manager, and Program Director. She always brings enthusiasm, kindness and a hardworking attitude into every job she does. Please join us in welcoming Camp Bowman’s First Female Camp Director! We are very excited for this summer!
What year on camp staff will this be for you?
This will be my 11th Summer working on staff.
What is your favorite skit?
My favorite skit is a tie between Dancing Statues and Lighthouse.
What is your favorite camp memory?
My favorite camp memory is the first time I went out and really looked at the stars. You can see so many more stars out in Goshen compared to the DC area. It’s incredible and breathtaking. Stargazing is one of my favorite things to do whenever I go down to camp.
What do you do in the off-season?
In the off season I like to go hiking and traveling. I try to get out of the country at least once a year, and I try to get out of the DC area at least a few times a year. I also work as a research assistant for a company looking to find ways to limit the amount of medication seniors with dementia take in nursing homes. I’m also currently studying for the GRE and working on getting into graduate school to further my psychology education.
What makes Camp Bowman special to you?
Camp Bowman has been a home to me ever since I was 14. I have been going there for 3 months of the year for 10 years. It is a second home to me.
What are you looking forward to in 2018?
I’m looking forward to meeting all of the new scouts and leaders as well as seeing familiar faces come back to camp! I can’t wait to spend another summer at Goshen Scout Reservation. Being able to see all of the stars again as well will definitely be a plus.