What’s gone live in 2025?

As we do every summer, we have updated our program schedule. Some badges have been rotated out and some have been rotated in, along with some completely new activities!

Below are notable changes:

  • The biggest change is our new afternoon schedule! Rather than three hourly blocks, we now have one hourly block followed by a two hour block with a variety of activities. Sign up for a class for the week to work on multiple merit badges in one session or choose one of our new non-MB activities, like Marine Search and Rescue. Not ready to commit to a whole class for that block? There’s plenty of drop-in options as well, including Pioneering Innovation Projects and Underwater Basketry.
  • The program formerly known as Shooting Sports has been renamed Range and Target Activities in line with National Scouting America’s updates. And that’s not all! All RATA badges – Archery, Rifle Shooting, and Shotgun Shooting – are now 1.5 hours in the morning, rather than the previous Part 1 and Part 2 splits. With this, afternoons at the ranges will be dedicated to Merit Badge Shoot for those that need more time and Open Shoot for those looking to have some fun.
  • Since we’ve got the afternoon block for fun and adventure, we’ve added back in some merit badges to the evening program time.
  • In order to have the best experience for participants in Mile Swim, those wanting to challenge themselves with this event will need to sign up online before camp – just as they do for any of their scheduled badges and activities.
  • If you haven’t heard yet, the Goshen camp fee is all-inclusive. This means that there are no longer class fees for badges and activities like Shotgun, Space Exploration, and ATV. It also means that there is no fee for Open Shotgun Shoot and that any kits you need for badges like Basketry, Leatherwork, and Wood Carving will be provided in class. You won’t need to purchase them from the Trading Post.

Get the full list of 2025 badges and activities below and be sure to download the full program schedule, Bowman Brigade schedule, and other handy documents in the Downloads section to start planning your summer!

New Aquatics Activities

Marine Search & Rescue (non-MB)
Underwater Basketry (non-MB, drop-in)

New Culture Craft Merit Badges & Activities

Eco Enforcement (non-MB)
Music Merit Badge
Open Chess
Scouting Heritage Games (non-MB, drop-in)

New Handicraft Merit Badges & Activities

Electronics Merit Badge
Fingerprinting Merit Badge (drop-in)
Woodwork Merit Badge
Animation + Photography MBs (new combined section)

New Nature Merit Badges & Activities

Forestry + Soil & Water Conservation MBs (new combined section)
Eco Engineers (non-MB)
Invasive Inquisitors (non-MB, drop-in)
Plant Science Merit Badge

New RATA Activities

Open Tomahawk/Knife Throwing

New Scoutcraft Merit Badges and Activities

Advanced Outdoor Skills (non-MB)
Emergency Preparedness + Search & Rescue (new combined section)
Fire Safety Merit Badge
Pioneering Innovation Projects (non-MB, drop-in)
Search & Rescue Merit Badge