News for Camp Bowman.

Goshen Leader Update #1-Summer of 2018 Registration Open

Hello Goshen Leaders!

I did want to drop you a quick note and let you know that we will be opening registration for Goshen Scout Reservation summer of 2018 at 9AM on October 2nd, 2017. We will use the same deposit as last year, which is the full cost of one youth to attend. That price will once again be $360 (same as the last two years!). That cost is non-refundable, but will be applied towards one of the youth that you are bringing to camp. As is the case last year, please please please make every effort to get your deposit in for the week that you want to attend. Some weeks become much more popular than others and we don’t want to turn anyone away from their chosen week! Once your deposit is made, your spot is secure and you can continue to add as many youth as/adults you want. For information on fees, our  schedule, and anything else you may have questions on, please feel free to visit Also, feel free to follow us on Facebook at “Goshen Scout Reservation”. Thanks a lot and feel free to shoot me an email with any questions you may have!

Philip Barbash
Camping Director-Goshen Scout Reservation