News for everyone

Goshen Bus Update

A Quick Update!

As we’re still finalizing some of the details for the Goshen Bus, we have delayed the sale of tickets for the 2022 Goshen Bus. We are committed to running the bus for this summer, but we want to be perfectly confident in all the details with regards to the bus before we begin collecting payments. Tickets will be available for purchase starting April 25 at 9am.

Worried about the bus selling out? Don’t be. We order buses based on the number of tickets that are purchased.

Bus tickets can be traditionally be purchased up until 4 days before your arrival at camp, but we recommend purchasing them no later than a week out.

How do you sign up for bus tickets? Bus tickets can be purchased through the online portal in an individual’s information – the same place you would select classes, enter emergency contact information, or notate any allergies or dietary concerns.

Learn more about the Goshen Bus on the Transportation page.

Goshen Leader Update – March

Hello Goshen Leaders!

Eric Smith returning for your next edition of a few quick updates.

  1. We have two upcoming Leader Orientation webinars on Monday evenings at 7pm. March 21st will be for those attending our Scouts BSA Camps and March 28th will be for those attending Camp Ross. You can read more about the webinars and get the Zoom links here:
  2. If you missed our first webinar on high adventure, we will be posting the video recording and the slides in the next few days on the Goshen website as well as on the NCAC Blog at .
  3. If you have youth campers that are in need of financial assistance, there are still funds available in camperships. Applications submitted by March 23rd should expect to hear back by March 29th – in time for the Merit Badge & Activity Sign Ups.
  4. Merit Badge & Activity Signs Ups for Camps Bowman, Marriott, and Olmsted will open on March 31st at 9am. Be sure to check out the latest Program & Prerequisites Guide in the downloads section for the latest prerequisites, class descriptions, and other helpful information. It can be found in the Downloads section for your camp or here: . Be sure to also check out the recently updated How To: MB Sign Ups in the same section. Scouts will be able to sign up for MBs and activities this summer as individuals, although some activities may recommend having a buddy from their unit.
  5. As a reminder, crews at Lenhok’sin sign up for activities through the Crew Survey here: and Packs at Camp Ross will sign up for activities once at camp.
  6. The Early Bird Deadline also approaching. All campers signed up by April 15th at 11:59pm will get the discounted rate and the exclusive Goshen Summer 2022 early bird hat!
  7. We are continuing to evaluate and update our COVID protocols for this coming summer as we look forward to hopefully getting a little bit more back to normal. As we do so, you can continue to see the latest updates here: .
  8. And lastly, some helpful posts:
    1. If you are ready to add campers to your registration, check out this post:
    2. If you have adults that are planning to split the week and are wondering how to register them, check out this post:

Eric Smith | Director of Camping Services

Goshen Leader Update – February

Hello Goshen Leaders!

My name is Eric Smith and I would like to start by introducing myself as the new 2022 Reservation Director. I have worked on camp staff for 25 years and am excited to meet you this summer at Goshen Scout Reservation. As the staff is hard at work preparing for your arrival this summer, I would like to highlight a few key updates to help you prepare as well.

Some quick updates:

  1. We will be hosting a series of Leader Orientation webinars on Monday evenings in March at 7pm and will be recorded for future use. Please pass the word on to parents in your units. More details on links will be coming out shortly. The topics will be:
    1. March 14 – High Adventure
    2. March 21 – Scouts BSA Camps
    3. March 28 – Cub Scout Camps
  2. We are approaching the Campership Deadline – March 1st. If you have youth that need a bit of extra financial assistance to get to camp, please have them fill out an application here: . Camperships can grant up to 50% of the cost of camp. Please make every effort to submit applications by the deadline, but if you have additional youth that come in after the fact, please continue to apply online and we will allot as funding is available.
  3. Due to popular demand, we have opened another week at Camp Ross. Week 6 will run 7/31 to 8/6. If you are interested in switching your Pack’s registration to this week, please contact Camping Specialist Sarah Moses at
  4. Several of our camps are still looking for staff for this coming summer. If you have anyone interested, they can apply here:
  5. We are in the process of evaluating our COVID protocols for this coming summer based on local guidance and guidance from the CDC. Stay tuned shortly for updated details pertaining to Merit Badge classes.
  6. Speaking of Merit Badges, Merit Badge & Activity Sign Ups for Camps Bowman, Marriott, and Olmsted will open on March 31 at 9am. We’ll be releasing the updated Program & Prerequisites Guide as well as the Merit Badge Sign Ups How To in the next week or so. You can find both of these resources here: . Participants at Lenhok’sin High Adventure, rather than activity sign ups, be sure to fill out your crew survey by May 7th, found here: . For Packs at Camp Ross, activity sign-ups will occur at camp.
  7. And lastly, some helpful posts:
    1. If you can’t get back into your registration, check out this post:
    2. If you aren’t the person handling your unit’s registration anymore, check out this post:
    3. If you are ready to add campers to your registration, check out this post:

Eric Smith | Director of Camping Services

Goshen Scout Reservation Leader Update

Hello Goshen leaders!

Its that time of year again! We are reaching out today to check in and remind you that registration for summer of 2022 is now open! If you had already reserved your spot in 2021, then you’re good to go! If you have not, now is the time! We are accepting deposits at the rate of $420 for one youth to attend camp. Please make your reservation soon to lock in the week that your unit wants! Spots are already starting to fill up earlier in the summer. Youth and adult fees are here:

On a different note, we are looking for some stories on your experiences at camp this summer to chat about on our council blog as we build excitement for next summer! Please do feel free to share those with me or post directly to WeOwnAdventure here .

Finally, if you have any new programs, badges, etc. that you’d like to see for next year, please don’t hesitate to mention it to me. We are compiling the information from your surveys to build the best possible program for your scouts and additional feedback is always welcome.

Please let us know if you have any questions! Is it time for summer yet?

-Phil Barbash

Save the Dates: Goshen 2022

Save the dates for Goshen Scout Reservation Summer 2022!

We will be offering five weeks of summer camp at all our Webelos and Scouts BSA/Venturing resident camps and four weeks of backpacking program and river trekking program at Lenhok’sin High Adventure.

Week 1: June 26 – July 2, 2022
Week 2: July 3 – July 9, 2022
Week 3: July 10 – July 16, 2022
Week 4: July 17 – July 23, 2022
Week 5: July 24 – July 30, 2022

Goshen 2021 units that reserved their spot at camp will get a confirmation email in late August with their new registration number.

Registration opens for the general public on September 1, 2021. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information as we get ready for Summer 2022!

Goshen Scout Reservation Leader Update-04-13-2021

Hello Goshen leaders!

Phil Barbash here, with a couple of quick updates:

  1. The early bird payment deadline is this Friday, the 16th at 11:59PM. At midnight, the price will switch over to $440/youth and $265/adults. Please make every effort to get your youth and adults signed up!
  2. For Camps Bowman, Marriott, and Olmsted: Merit badge registration will open at 9AM on Friday morning the 16th. It is first come first served, but please do not fret too much if you have to waitlist youth for certain heavier traffic badges. There is going to be wiggle room for us to adjust our staffing and open up additional sections of merit badges as needed. Please do register those youth for the waitlist if they desire to take that badge, and remember that youth must register with at least one merit badge buddy. Multiple members of the same cohort developing similar schedules is preferable.
  3. Please continue to reference our pandemic protocols here as they continue to evolve here: The latest updates centered around the use of cohorts, merit badge buddy requirements, and pre-screening procedures – a mandatory 14 day symptom screening before arrival at camp OR a negative PCR test within 7 days prior to your arrival at camp.
  4. If you have adults splitting the week (one coming down the first half, one coming down the second half), you can get details about how to register them here:

If you ever need to reference any of my previous emails, they are here: . Please let us know if we can help!
