News for Camp Marriott.
Goshen Week 2 Merit Badges
/in Camp Bowman, Camp Marriott /by Sarah MosesHello Week 2 Leaders!
We hope the rest of your summer has gone well. We wanted to send a quick email to inform you of a few upcoming opportunities for Merit Badge Make Ups for your scouts.
- Goshen Labor Day Family Camp. The Goshen staff will be offering Merit Badge Make Ups for a selection of the most popular badges from Week 2 during Labor Day Weekend (September 2-5) at Goshen Scout Reservation as part of our normal Family Camp. Family Camp has activities for all ages. More information is available here:
- Aquatics Partial Merit Badge Completion Clinic. The Aquatics Committee will be offering a merit badge completion day for various Aquatics Merit Badges later this fall. The date is still being finalized, but you can check for details on
- Woodwork Merit Badge Classes. Michael’s Woodshop out at Camp Snyder runs Woodwork Merit Badge classes year round. For scouts needing to finish up Woodwork from Camp Marriott or scouts wanting to start it anew. More information on all Michael’s Woodshop activities here:
- Find a Local Counselor on Scoutbook. For those with busy fall schedules or who live farther away, you are able to look up a local merit badge counselor using Scoutbook. A walkthrough on how to do so is attached for your convenience. You can also find more information here:
The Goshen Scout Reservation Team
Camp Marriott Email Address Updated!
/in Camp Marriott, Provisional Camp /by Sarah MosesCamp Marriott has updated their email address. Make sure you have the correct one when you’re sending emails!
The new email address for Summer 2022 is It replaces the old email,
Scouts BSA MB Prerequisites Guide Updated
/in Camp Bowman, Camp Marriott, Camp Olmsted, Provisional Camp /by Sarah MosesWe have just published an updated Scouts BSA Program & Prerequisite Guide for merit badges and activities at Camps Bowman, Marriott, and Olmsted.
The only change is for Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. With the updated requirements for Citizenship in the Nation, the new prerequisites are now requirements 5 and 7 for Summer 2022. They are similar to the previous prerequisites in nature.
You can download a copy of the 2022 Program & Prerequisite Guide in the Scouts BSA Specific downloads section for your camp or on the Forms & Downloads page. For the most up to date requirements for all badges, please refer to
2022 Scouts BSA Program Guide & Prerequisites
/in Camp Bowman, Camp Marriott, Camp Olmsted, Provisional Camp /by Sarah MosesAbout Us
Goshen Scout Reservation, a fully accredited camp, is the home of three resident Scout camps, one resident Webelos camp, and the Lenhok’sin High Adventure Base, all centrally located around beautiful, 450 acre, Lake Merriweather.
Contact Us
Contact your Camp!
Elisabeth Warren
Goshen Reservation Director
Sarah Moses
Goshen Camping Administrator