About Staff Alumni Service Weekends
Catch up with other alumni and give back to Goshen!
Open to Goshen Staff Alumni and any friends or family (18+) who want to provide a weekend of service to Goshen Scout Reservation.
We’ll be working hard to fix, paint, build, maintain, and work on important projects around Goshen Scout Reservation.
Got questions? Contact Goshen Staff Alumni Association Leadership at GSAA@gotogoshen.org.
Please see the information below.
Spring Service Weekend
Staff Alumni and Goshen Friends and Family, ages 18 and up
April 25 – 27, 2025
Check-in Begins at 5pm Friday
Goshen Scout Reservation
340 Millard Burke Memorial Hwy
Goshen, VA 24439
No formal process, just find a bed and sleep tight!
You will have your choice of an available cabin or bed in Gray’s Lodge. You also have the option to bring your own tent!
Meals will be served at Forster Hall (Olmsted Dining Hall) at 8, 12:30, and 6.
How Much:
Other Info:
We would appreciate it if everyone who comes to this event is vaccinated.
Spring 2024 GSAA Work Weekend Schedule, Project List, Packing List, FAQ [pdf]
Project List:
- TBD!

Fall Service Weekend

Staff Alumni and Goshen Friends and Family, ages 18 and up
October 17 – 19, 2025
Check-in Begins at 5pm Friday
Goshen Scout Reservation
340 Millard Burke Memorial Hwy
Goshen, VA 24439
No formal process, just find a bed and sleep tight!
You will have your choice of an available cabin or bed in Gray’s Lodge. You also have the option to bring your own tent!
Meals will be served at Forster Hall (Olmsted Dining Hall) at 8, 12:30, and 6.
How Much:
Other Info:
We would appreciate it if everyone who comes to this event is vaccinated.
Fall 2024 GSAA Service Weekend Schedule, Packing List, FAQ (Updated 10/15/2024)
Project List:
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I bring my own tools?
Sure, especially if they’re easy to use and don’t require plugging into the wall.
Can we organize our own service weekend?
Goshen has a lot of support these days, contact GSAA@GoToGoshen.org to best coordinate any future projects or idea for improvement.
Driving directions are available on our transportation page.