Goshen Leader Update #4-COVID-19 Update
Hello All,
I hope everyone is staying safe. I unfortunately do not have much of an update for you regarding COVID-19 at this time. We will continue to monitor the situation and blast information as we have it. A few notes:
- Please review our revised refund policy, as well as our updated early bird deadline and merit badge registration opening date. As a point of reference, every email I send out is listed here: https://www.gotogoshen.org/information/latest-news/.
- Our website is fully updated with information for 2020. I do want to draw everyone’s attention to the forms and downloads page here: https://www.gotogoshen.org/information/forms-downloads/. The top of that list on the left has the adult leader guide for all of Goshen. Please keep in mind that there is one overall guide for Goshen and one for your individual camp. Both will have useful information and both can be given to parents in your units who want to know what to expect.
- We are still looking for staff for the summer, specifically those that are shooting sports or waterfront inclined, and have reach the ripe age of 21. Please help spread the word and direct all applicants here: https://www.gotogoshen.org/information/goshen-staff/.
That’s all for now. As always, please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for bearing with us!