Goshen Leader Update – April

Hello Goshen Leaders!

Eric here with your April Leaders update. This update will be quick but really important so please take note.

  1. The Early Bird payment deadline is this Friday, April 15 at 11:59PM. At midnight, the price will switch over to $450 per youth and $265 per adult. Please make every effort to get your youth and adult campers signed up!
  2. If you have adults splitting the week (one coming down the first half, one coming down the second half), you can get details about how to register them here: www.gotogoshen.org/registration/registration-tips-splitting-adults/.

We’ll be back next week with more updates and information. If you ever need to reference any of the previous Leader Updates, you can find them under Latest News: www.gotogoshen.org/information/latest-news

Eric Smith | Director of Camping Services