What’s gone live in 2025?

As we do every summer, we have updated our program schedule – rotating out less popular badges and rotating in new ones. There’s a few other new things happening this year, too!

Below are notable changes:

  • We had success with the Archery reformatting last year, so we’re trying the same thing with Rifle Shooting. Just as with Archery, instead of running two sections for two hours each, Rifle will now be four different sections, each at one hour blocks with smaller class sizes. That’s not all! The program area formerly known as Shooting Sports has been renamed Range and Target Activities in line with National Scouting America’s updated terminology.
  • To give more structure, Leatherwork and Basketry badges will now have formal class times. We’re also adding a couple new badges to Handicraft!
  • A few class lengths have been adjusted for some badges, like Wilderness Survival and Metalwork, and a few class sections been added to popular badges, like Metalwork, Welding, and Small Boat Sailing.
  • With feedback from campers, we have added some non-badge classes to the schedule. Be sure to check out Sparks & Steel, Primitive Skills, and the rest!
  • In order to have the best experience for participants in Mile Swim, those wanting to challenge themselves with this event will need to sign up online before camp – just as they do for any of their scheduled badges and activities.
  • If you haven’t heard yet, the Goshen camp fee is all-inclusive. This means that there are no longer class fees for badges and activities like Shotgun, Space Exploration, and ATV. It also means that there is no fee for Open Shotgun Shoot and that any kits you need for badges like Basketry, Leatherwork, and Wood Carving will be provided in class. You won’t need to purchase them from the Trading Post.

Get the full list of new 2025 badges and activities below and be sure to download the full program schedule, supplemental schedules, and the New Scout Quest schedule in the Downloads section to start planning your summer! Descriptions of new programs can be found in the 2025 Scouts BSA Programs and Prerequisites Guide.

New Eagle’s Eyrie Merit Badges

Scouting Heritage Merit Badge

New Ecology Merit Badges and Activities

Insect Study Merit Badge
Marriott Conservation Corps (non-MB)
Soil & Water Conservation Merit Badge (combined with Geology)
Sustainability Merit Badge

New Handicraft Merit Badges

Textile Merit Badge
Theater Merit Badge

New RATA Activities

Marksmanship (non-MB)

New Scoutcraft Activities

Primitive Skills (non-MB)
Totin’ Chip + Firem’n Chit (combined Awards section)

New Activities at The Guild

Sparks and Steel (non-MB)